Cultivate a devotional life you love

…like really love.

It is possible and it’s easier than you think.

Hey there, friend.
I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here…like really a lot!

can I tell you something?

That way we’ve always been told to have a “quiet time”

  • Pick the “perfect” time that you can set aside everyday
  • Pick the “perfect” spot where you won’t be distracted
  • Gather all the things~ Bible, journal, pens, highlighters
  • Spend an hour everyday, reading the Bible, praying, and journaling
Quiet time bibles

It can be that. But it can also be so much more.

creative devotional life

Here’s the thing…

God created you uniquely so that His relationship with you wouldn’t be like His relationship with anyone else.

He created you to love different things than I or anyone else does so that He could enjoy those things with you.

I want to give you permission

to be yourself

to try new things

to actually enjoy your time with God

Because if you don’t love spending time with God,
it just becomes one more thing you have to check off your to-do list. 

You’ll feel obligated instead of inspired.
Guilty, instead of loved.
And empty instead of filled.

And friend, that is not what God wants for you.

quiet time list

Here’s what we do around here


Lay down the guilt and shame

Give yourself some grace and get rid of the stinkin’ thinkin’ because until you can get past the guilt over whatever your devotional life looks like right now, you’ll have no room in your heart to explore and find new ways to connect with Him.


Discover how you best relate to God

Every relationship is unique and that’s what makes them special. Your relationship with God is no different. So, let’s find out your favorite ways to spend time with God.


Cultivate a devotional life you love

Find tons of inspiration, ideas, encouragement, and FUN ADVENTURES that will help you develop the kind of relationship with God that you’ve always longed for.

The perfect quiet-time time
and the perfect quiet-time place 
aren’t the way to the meaningful relationship

with God that you’ve always wanted. 

A devotional life designed around
who God uniquely created you to be is.

Ready to breathe new life into your devotional life?

Check out the 10-Day Do Something Challenge.
*It’s a Fig Favorite!